This article is about fish a user-friendly command line shell for Linux
About fish#
fish is a smart and user-friendly command line shell for Linux, macOS, and the rest of the family.
To disable the greeting in fish edit the file .config/fish/
and put an empty greeting.
set fish_greeting ""
Now re-open the terminal.
Remove neofetch#
If you don’t want the fancy computer stats everything you open a terminal comment out the last 4 lines on the conf file ./config/fish/
## Run paleofetch if session is interactive
#if status --is-interactive
# neofetch
Now re-open the terminal.
Oh My Fish#
Install the package oh-my-fish which would allow to customize you fish configurations running the following command
curl | fish
After this install the theme agnoster
omf install agnoster
Apply and reload
omf theme agnoster
omf reload
Disable starship#
Comment the following block on the file ./config/fish/
## Starship prompt
#if status --is-interactive
# source ("/usr/bin/starship" init fish --print-full-init | psub)
Setup the Nord colors in Alacritty#
Change the default color scheme for Nord colors
replacing on the following file .config/alacritty/alacritty.yml
for the coloscheme available on the following repo.
background: '#2e3440'
foreground: '#d8dee9'
dim_foreground: '#a5abb6'
text: '#2e3440'
cursor: '#d8dee9'
text: '#2e3440'
cursor: '#d8dee9'
text: CellForeground
background: '#4c566a'
foreground: CellBackground
background: '#88c0d0'
background: '#434c5e'
foreground: '#d8dee9'
black: '#3b4252'
red: '#bf616a'
green: '#a3be8c'
yellow: '#ebcb8b'
blue: '#81a1c1'
magenta: '#b48ead'
cyan: '#88c0d0'
white: '#e5e9f0'
black: '#4c566a'
red: '#bf616a'
green: '#a3be8c'
yellow: '#ebcb8b'
blue: '#81a1c1'
magenta: '#b48ead'
cyan: '#8fbcbb'
white: '#eceff4'
black: '#373e4d'
red: '#94545d'
green: '#809575'
yellow: '#b29e75'
blue: '#68809a'
magenta: '#8c738c'
cyan: '#6d96a5'
white: '#aeb3bb'
If you don’ t like the color scheme check other options using the command.
donet autocomplete#
In case you want dotnet command autocomplete to get something like this.
╭─rramos@buldozer in ~ via v17.2.0
╰─λ dotnet
add (Add a package/reference) publish (Publish a .NET project for deployment)
build (Build a .NET project) remove (Remove a package/reference)
build-server (Interact with build servers) restore (Restore dependencies)
clean (Clean build outputs) run (Run the application from source)
…and 6 more rows
You should have the following on your
complete -f -c dotnet -a "(dotnet complete)"
For Garuda this setup seems to be present out-of-the box.
Although Garuda brings a lot of customizations for fish if one wants to go deeper and adjust for it’s own taste can take some time. I certainly would take some time to understand where configurations where being override. I probably include some of this configurations in git to prevent future time waist on customizations.