Article about DBT and Clickhouse
Integrating dbt and ClickHouse#
In this we will be following the integration steps to use dbt and clickhouse with sample IMDB data.
Configure ClickHouse sources#
Setup clickhouse check my previous article if you would like more information on this product.
Then connect with a client and run the following DDL scripts
CREATE TABLE imdb.actors
id UInt32,
first_name String,
last_name String,
gender FixedString(1)
) ENGINE = MergeTree ORDER BY (id, first_name, last_name, gender);
CREATE TABLE imdb.directors
id UInt32,
first_name String,
last_name String
) ENGINE = MergeTree ORDER BY (id, first_name, last_name);
CREATE TABLE imdb.genres
movie_id UInt32,
genre String
) ENGINE = MergeTree ORDER BY (movie_id, genre);
CREATE TABLE imdb.movie_directors
director_id UInt32,
movie_id UInt64
) ENGINE = MergeTree ORDER BY (director_id, movie_id);
CREATE TABLE imdb.movies
id UInt32,
name String,
year UInt32,
rank Float32 DEFAULT 0
) ENGINE = MergeTree ORDER BY (id, name, year);
CREATE TABLE imdb.roles
actor_id UInt32,
movie_id UInt32,
role String,
created_at DateTime DEFAULT now()
) ENGINE = MergeTree ORDER BY (actor_id, movie_id);
After creating the source tables lets fill them with data from AWS, running the following code.
INSERT INTO imdb.actors
FROM s3('',
INSERT INTO imdb.directors
FROM s3('',
INSERT INTO imdb.genres
FROM s3('',
INSERT INTO imdb.movie_directors
FROM s3('',
INSERT INTO imdb.movies
FROM s3('',
INSERT INTO imdb.roles(actor_id, movie_id, role)
SELECT actor_id, movie_id, role
FROM s3('',
Setup DBT#
Starting by setting up DBT environment
pip install dbt-core
pip install dbt-clickhouse
Init the dbt project
dbt init imdb
Update the file dbt_project.yml
and make sure to add the actors
# Config indicated by + and applies to all files under models/example/
+materialized: view
Create the following file models/actors/schema.yml
with the following content
version: 2
- name: imdb
- name: directors
- name: actors
- name: roles
- name: movies
- name: genres
- name: movie_directors
Create the following file models/actors/actor_summary.sql
with the content
{{ config(order_by='(updated_at, id, name)', engine='MergeTree()', materialized='table') }}
with actor_summary as (
any(actor_name) as name,
uniqExact(movie_id) as num_movies,
avg(rank) as avg_rank,
uniqExact(genre) as genres,
uniqExact(director_name) as directors,
max(created_at) as updated_at
SELECT {{ source('imdb', 'actors') }}.id as id,
concat({{ source('imdb', 'actors') }}.first_name, ' ', {{ source('imdb', 'actors') }}.last_name) as actor_name,
{{ source('imdb', 'movies') }}.id as movie_id,
{{ source('imdb', 'movies') }}.rank as rank,
concat({{ source('imdb', 'directors') }}.first_name, ' ', {{ source('imdb', 'directors') }}.last_name) as director_name,
FROM {{ source('imdb', 'actors') }}
JOIN {{ source('imdb', 'roles') }} ON {{ source('imdb', 'roles') }}.actor_id = {{ source('imdb', 'actors') }}.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN {{ source('imdb', 'movies') }} ON {{ source('imdb', 'movies') }}.id = {{ source('imdb', 'roles') }}.movie_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN {{ source('imdb', 'genres') }} ON {{ source('imdb', 'genres') }}.movie_id = {{ source('imdb', 'movies') }}.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN {{ source('imdb', 'movie_directors') }} ON {{ source('imdb', 'movie_directors') }}.movie_id = {{ source('imdb', 'movies') }}.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN {{ source('imdb', 'directors') }} ON {{ source('imdb', 'directors') }}.id = {{ source('imdb', 'movie_directors') }}.director_id
select *
from actor_summary
Configure the clickstream connection on the following file ~/.dbt/profiles.yml
target: dev
type: clickhouse
schema: imdb_dbt
host: localhost
port: 8123
user: default
password: ''
secure: False
After this updates run the dbt debug
To make sure the connection is working properly
dbt debug
00:31:58 Running with dbt=1.7.6
00:31:58 dbt version: 1.7.6
00:31:58 python version: 3.11.6
00:31:58 python path: /home/rramos/Development/local/dbt/bin/python
00:31:58 os info: Linux-6.6.10-zen1-1-zen-x86_64-with-glibc2.38
00:31:58 Using profiles dir at /home/rramos/.dbt
00:31:58 Using profiles.yml file at /home/rramos/.dbt/profiles.yml
00:31:58 Using dbt_project.yml file at /home/rramos/Development/local/dbt/imdb/dbt_project.yml
00:31:58 adapter type: clickhouse
00:31:58 adapter version: 1.7.1
00:31:58 Configuration:
00:31:58 profiles.yml file [OK found and valid]
00:31:58 dbt_project.yml file [OK found and valid]
00:31:58 Required dependencies:
00:31:58 - git [OK found]
00:31:58 Registered adapter: clickhouse=1.7.1
00:31:58 Connection test: [OK connection ok]
If the connection test passed properly, one just need to create the model via dbt.
dbt run
And you should have a similar output
dbt run
00:38:13 Running with dbt=1.7.6
00:38:13 Registered adapter: clickhouse=1.7.1
00:38:13 Unable to do partial parsing because a project config has changed
00:38:15 Found 1 model, 6 sources, 0 exposures, 0 metrics, 421 macros, 0 groups, 0 semantic models
00:38:15 Concurrency: 1 threads (target='dev')
00:38:15 1 of 1 START sql view model `imdb`.`actor_summary` ............................. [RUN]
00:38:15 1 of 1 OK created sql view model `imdb`.`actor_summary` ........................ [OK in 0.17s]
00:38:15 Finished running 1 view model in 0 hours 0 minutes and 0.27 seconds (0.27s).
00:38:15 Completed successfully
00:38:15 Done. PASS=1 WARN=0 ERROR=0 SKIP=0 TOTAL=1
Test query the model
FROM imdb_dbt.actor_summary
WHERE num_movies > 5
ORDER BY avg_rank DESC
In this article I’ve went through the process of setup a Clickhouse database and setup dbt to setup the models with IMDB test data for actors, directors, movies, etc.
This two systems work like a charm together. Clickstream shows great performance for analytical queries, and dbt compiles and runs your analytics code against your data platform, enabling you and your team to collaborate on a single source of truth for metrics, insights, and business definitions.
Would like to extend this exercise by incorporating github actions related with dbt test actions before promoting to production.