6-Step Process to Ensure 100% Commitment#
While managing your team, one of the most important things to consider is building trust and ensuring commitment from your peers.
The following framework will guide you in achieving this.
(Sample Script)
Step 1: Get them to say it#
- [You]: “Ok then, so just to make sure that we’re all aligned on who’s doing what, what are you going to be working on next?”
- [Team member]: “I’ll basically be updating the final presentation for the executive committee meeting”
Step 2: Get a time frame#
- [You]: “Excellent! And you said you’ll have that done by this Thursday around noon?”
- [Team member]: “That’s correct”
Step 3: Develop an obligation#
- [You]: “Ok great. I have a meeting on Thursday early afternoon which I’ll go ahead and cancel because reviewing this presentation is a top priority”
- [Team member]: “Oh ok”
Step 4: Stress importance#
- [You]: “It is really important for me to get this finalized by Thursday afternoon because 3 of the committee members have to review a copy of it by that evening.”
- [Team member]: “Sure, I understand”
Step 5: Confirm action#
- [You]: “Thanks – so I’ll definitely be getting the final presentation by noon on Thursday at the latest, correct?”
- [Team member]: “Definitely”
Step 6: Show appreciation#
- [You – through email a couple of days later]: “I just wanted to say thanks again for helping me out with the final PowerPoint deck. I know I could count on you to get this to me on time”