This article explores the various generations a leader may encounter in the workplace, highlighting their core values, work ethic, and preferred work environment.
Understanding the Generations#
- Born 1925 - 1946
- Historical influences include:
- Pearl Harbor
- World War II
- Cold War
- Cuban Missile Crisis
- Raised by parents who just survived the Great Depression
- Core Values:
- Patriotic & Dependable
- Honor
- Delayed Gratification
- Trust the Government
- Don’t Question Authority
- Money Habits = Pay with Cash & Focus on Savings
- Worth Ethic:
- Dedicated
- Work Hard
- Believe Age = Seniority
- Preferred work Environment:
- Conservative
- Hierarchal
- Clear Chain of Command
- Top-down Management
Baby Boomers#
- Born 1947 - 1964
- Historical influences include:
- Vietnam War
- Civil Rights Movement
- Women’s Liberation Movement
- 1st Man on the Moon
- Baby Boomers have the highest divorce rate and the most 2nd marriages in history
- Core Values:
- Anti War
- Anti Government
- Loyal to their Children
- Material Wealth is Important
- Money Habits = Spend now, Pay later
- Worth Ethic:
- Driven
- Workaholic / 60+ hr. Work weeks
- Value title and the Corner Office
- Much of their identity is tied to their career, title, success
- Preferred work Environment:
- Flat
- Democratic
- Warm & Friendly Environment
- Started the “Work Life Balance” movement… which really meant:
- Working longer than a 40 hr. Work week
- Using technology to do MORE work… not less
Generation X#
- Born 1965 - 1980
- Historical influences include:
- Fall of the Berlin Wall
- Oklahoma City Bombing
- Bill Clinton / Monica Lewinski Scandal
- Video Games / MTV / Computers became common
- Suspicious of their parents
- Core Values:
- Work Life Balance
- Diversity
- Skeptical / Cynical
- Money Habits = Spend what they have, high debt, low focus on retirement planning
- Worth Ethic:
- Balance
- Work Smarter, Not Longer
- Self-Reliant
- Preferred work Environment:
- Informal
- Access to Leadership and Information
- Technology used for Work Life Balance
- Born 1981 - 2000
- Historical influences include:
- Terrorists Attacks
- September 11th
- Enron and other Corporate Scandals
- Technology = Integral part of life
- Parents are among their best friends
- First generation of Children with Schedules
- Core Values:
- High Morals
- Highly Tolerant
- Self Confident
- Tech Savvy
- Optimistic
- Money Habits = Live frugally, focus on experiences versus collecting material things
- Worth Ethic:
- Work Life Integration
- High expectations of Bosses and Managers
- Obsessed with Career Development
- Preferred work Environment:
- Collaborative
- Creative
- Diverse
- Flexibility in when and where they work
- Mentoring, feedback, and support is part of the fabric of the company
Generation Z#
- Born 2001 - 2020
- Historical influences include:
- Covid Pandemic
- Constant Connectivity to Social Media
- Climate Change Concerns
- Terrorism and War
- Supreme Court ruling on Same-Sex Marriage
- 82 million people & the world’s largest generation by 2026
- On track to be the most well-educated generation
- Core Values:
- Diversity & Belonging
- Financial Security
- Environmental Protection
- Collective Good
- Money Habits = focused on saving, don’t want to take on too much debt, comfortable paying extra for luxury items, many have side hustles to bring in additional income
- Worth Ethic:
- Focused on gathering a variety of skills vs. specialization
- Entrepreneurial Mindset
- High engagement when organizational values match personal values
- Preferred work Environment:
- Diverse & Inclusive Culture - They expect diversity vs. see it as an additional benefit
- Mental Wellness is a Priority
- Entrepreneurial Spirit
- Highly Engaged Leaders - Provide mentorship, coaching, feedback, and support