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Github ssh keys
·173 words·1 min
Git GitHub SSH
Scrum User Stories
·228 words·2 mins
Scrum Development Leadership
Google Tag Manager
·895 words·5 mins
Google Tag Manager Google Analytics
·940 words·5 mins
API Lifecycles
·303 words·2 mins
API Contracts Software
Google Analytics - UA vs GA4
·1015 words·5 mins
Google Analytics
NATO phonetic alphabet
·111 words·1 min
Utils Communication


VisualCode Hexo addon
·120 words·1 min
Git Untrack previous committed files
·97 words·1 min


·209 words·1 min
Docker Utils Git
Dr. Elephant Overview
·295 words·2 mins
Hadoop Performance Monitoring Tuning Spark
·331 words·2 mins
Ansible DevOps
RDD Basic Transformations Operations
·127 words·1 min
Spark CheatSheet Utils
PowerShell on Linux
·266 words·2 mins
PowerShell Linux Windows
Convert VirtualBox images to KVM
·297 words·2 mins
VirtualBox KVM QEMU VDI Linux Utils
Nifi Parcel for CDH
·494 words·3 mins
Cloudera Hadoop Data Ingestion
Hive UDFS functions
·870 words·5 mins
Hive UDFS Big Data Hadoop Java Cloudera
Quick Guide for Vagrant and Libvirt
·976 words·5 mins
Vagrant QEMU KVM Libvirt Mesos Ansible
Streaming SQL for Kafka (KSQL)
·1850 words·9 mins
KSQL Kafka SQL Streaming Docker
·98 words·1 min
Docker Utils
Sublime Install Guide
·62 words·1 min
IDE Utils Linux
Create Avro Tables For Google BigQuery
·626 words·3 mins
Hive BigQuery Avro HDFS Parquet GCS
Quick Setup Zeppelin Notebook
·239 words·2 mins
Zeepelin Scala Docker Spark
Clean all Dockers and configure with btrfs
·308 words·2 mins
Docker Linux BTRFS
Optimize your SSH Connections with SSH config File
·541 words·3 mins
Linux SSH
Setting up Proxy Environments with Chrome
·329 words·2 mins
Customization Internet Proxy Linux
Polybase Configuration with Cloudera 5
·1013 words·5 mins
Cloudera HDFS Sqoop SQLServer Data Engineering
How to Create a Google Analytics Custom Dimension
·107 words·1 min
Google Analytics Analytics Metrics Dimensions
Hive - Unpivot to avoid multiple joins
·156 words·1 min
HDFS Hive Optimization Big Data
Terminal Markdown Viewer and MarkDown SpellChecker
·241 words·2 mins
Markdown Tools Utils Linux


Spark Summit 2016
·642 words·4 mins
Conferences Spark Hadoop Streaming Kafka
hive Queries crash when inserting GC Exception
·128 words·1 min
Hadoop Hive Troubleshooting
Porto Tech HUB 2016
·77 words·1 min
Events Conferences Meetups
Git cheat sheet
·449 words·3 mins
Git Utils
·191 words·1 min
Keybase PGP Encryption PKI
·642 words·4 mins
GitHub Hexo Git Markdown