
04 Jun, 2024 - About 11 minutes

Mac Shortcuts


In this article I will consolidate several useful shortcuts for Mac

Mac Shortcuts


Action Shortcut
Boot without automatic login Left shift (Press and hold when macOS progress indicator appears)
Boot in Safe Mode (Intel) Shift (Press and hold)
Boot in Safe Mode (Apple Silicon) Power (Press and hold), then select a volume, then hold Shift while clicking Continue in Safe Mode
Boot in Single User Mode (Intel, unavailable in macOS Mojave and later) Cmd + S
Boot in Verbose Mode (Intel) Cmd + V
Boot in Target Disk Mode (Intel) T
Boot from a NetBoot network server N
Boot to Startup Manager (Intel) Option
Boot to Startup Manager (Apple Silicon) Power
Load macOS Recovery (Intel) Cmd + R
Load macOS Recovery over the internet (Intel) Option + Cmd + R
Load macOS Recovery (Apple Silicon) Power, then select Options, then click Continue
Enter Apple Diagnostics (Intel) D
Enter Apple Diagnostics (Apple Silicon) Cmd + D
Load Apple Diagnostics over the internet Option + D
Reset NVRAM or PRAM (Intel, unnecessary on Apple Silicon Macs) Option + Cmd + P + R
Eject removable media F12


Action Shortcut
Rename selected file or folder Enter
Duplicate selected file or folder Cmd + D
Create a new folder Shift + Cmd + N
Create a new Smart Folder Option + Cmd + N
Create a new folder from selected file(s) Control + Cmd + N
Make an alias for the item Control + Cmd + A
Move selected item(s) to the Trash Cmd + Delete
Delete selected item(s) immediately Option + Cmd + Delete
Empty the Trash Cmd + Shift + Delete
Empty the Trash immediately Option + Cmd + Shift + Delete
Preview selected file(s) with Quick Look in a window Space
Preview selected file(s) with Quick Look in fullscreen mode Option + Space
Start a slideshow using selected item(s) Control + Space
Go to folder Cmd + Shift + G
Connect to server Cmd + K
Move up one folder Cmd + Up arrow
Move down one folder Cmd + Down arrow
Eject selected volume Cmd + E
Get info Cmd + I
Show Attributes Inspector Option + Cmd + I
Open a new Finder window Cmd + N
Close active Finder window Shift + Cmd + N
Cycle through windows Cmd + <
Open a new Finder tab Cmd + T
Close active Finder tab Cmd + W
View options Cmd + J
Icon view Cmd + 1
List view Cmd + 2
Column view Cmd + 3
Gallery view Cmd + 4
Hide all Finder windows Cmd + H
Hide all other windows except Finder Option + Cmd + H
Search Cmd + F
Open a Computer window Cmd + Shift + C
Open the Recents folder Cmd + Shift + F
Open the Documents folder Cmd + Shift + O
Open the Desktop folder Cmd + Shift + D
Open the Downloads folder Option + Cmd + L
Open your account’s home folder Cmd + Shift + H
Open an AirDrop window Cmd + Shift + R
Open the network browser Cmd + Shift + K
Open your iCloud Drive Cmd + Shift + I
Open your public shared folder Cmd + Shift + S
Open the Applications folder Cmd + Shift + A
Open the Utilities folder Cmd + Shift + U
Show/hide the Finder sidebar Cmd + Control + S
Show/hide the Path Bar Option + Cmd + P
Show/hide the Status Bar Option + Cmd + / (Slash)


Action Shortcut
Bold text Cmd + B
Italicize text Cmd + I
Underline text Cmd + U
Scroll one page up Fn + Up arrow
Scroll one page down Fn + Down arrow
Jump to the beginning of the document Fn + Left arrow
Jump to the end of the document Fn + Right arrow


Action Shortcut
Display the macOS screenshotting tools Cmd + 5
Take a screenshot of the entire screen Shift + Cmd + 3
Take a screenshot of a portion of the screen Shift + Cmd + 4 (then hold Space to drag the selection, if needed)
Take a screenshot of a specific window or menu Cmd + Shift + 4, then Space
Select all Cmd + A
Select multiple non-contiguous item(s) Cmd + Left click
Select multiple adjacent item(s) Shift + Left click
Hide current window Cmd + H
Hide all other windows Option + Cmd + H
Minimize the current window Cmd + M
Minimize all windows Option + Cmd + M
Close current window Cmd + W
Close all windows Option + Cmd + W
Open Cmd + O
Save Cmd + S
Print Cmd + P
Find Cmd + F
Find and replace Option + Cmd + F
Copy Cmd + C
Paste Cmd + V
Paste and delete original items Option + Cmd + V
Paste and match style Shift + Option + Cmd + V
Undo Cmd + Z
Redo Shift + Cmd + Z
Zoom in Cmd + + (Plus)
Zoom out Cmd + - (Minus)
Access in-app help Cmd + ?
Open preferences for the current app Cmd + , (Comma)
Open Spotlight search Cmd + Space
Hide/show the Dock Option + Cmd + D
Show the Character Viewer Control + Cmd + Space
Show the emoji picker Fn
Show desktop icons as stacks Cmd + Control + 0
Switch the current app to fullscreen mode Control + Cmd + F
Switch to the next open app Cmd + Tab
Switch to the previous open app Shift + Cmd + Tab
Quit the selected app in the app switcher Cmd + Shift, then Q
Force quit apps Option + Cmd + Esc
Switch to the next window in the current app Cmd + ~ (Tilde)
Lock the screen Cmd + Control + Q
Log out Shift + Cmd + Q
Log out without confirmation Option + Shift + Cmd + Q
Put display(s) to sleep Shift + Control + Eject
Put your computer to sleep Option + Cmd + Eject
Quit all apps and restart Control + Cmd + Eject
Quit all apps and shut down Control + Option + Cmd + Power
Choose from Sleep, Restart, and Shutdown options Control + Eject

The Mac Terminal Cheat Sheet

Keyboard Shortcuts

Tab Auto-complete file and folder names
Cmd+ F Find instances of specific text in the Terminal
Ctrl + A Go to the beginning of the line you’re currently typing on
Cmd + A Select everything in the Terminal
Cmd + P Print Terminal inputs and outputs
Ctrl + E Go to the end of the line you’re currently typing on
Ctrl + U Clear the line before the cursor
Ctrl + K Clear the line after the cursor
Ctrl + W Delete the word before the cursor
Ctrl + T Swap the last two characters before the cursor
Esc + T Swap the last two words before the cursor
Ctrl + L Clear the screen
Ctrl + C Kill whatever you’re running
Ctrl + D Exit the current shell
Option + → Move the cursor one word forward
Option + ← Move the cursor one word backward
Ctrl + F Move the cursor one character forward
Ctrl + B Move the cursor one character backward
Ctrl + Y Paste whatever was cut by the last command
Ctrl + Z Puts whatever you’re running into a suspended background process
Ctrl + _ Undo the last command
Option + Shift + Cmd + C Copy plain text
Shift + Cmd + V Paste the selection
exit End a shell session


/ (Forward Slash) Top-level directory
. (Single Period) Current directory
.. (Double Period) Parent directory
~ (Tilde) Home directory
sudo [command] Run command with the security privileges of the super user
nano [file] Opens the Terminal editor
open [file] Opens a file
[command] -h Get help about a command
man [command] Show the help manual of the command

Change Directory

cd Home directory
cd [folder] Change directory, e.g. cd Documents
cd ~ Home directory
cd / Root of the drive
cd - Previous directory or folder you last browsed
pwd Show your working directory
cd.. Move up to the parent directory
cd../.. Move up two levels

List Directory Contents

ls Display the name of files and subdirectories in the directory
ls -C Force multi-column output of the listing
ls -a List all entries including those with .(period) and ..(double period)
ls -1 Output the list of files in one entry per line format
ls -F Display a / (slash) immediately after each path that is a directory, * (asterisk) after executable programs or scripts, and @ after a symbolic link
ls -S Sort files or entries by size
ls -l List in a long format. Includes file mode, owner and group name, date and time file was modified, pathname, and more
ls -l / List of the file system from root with symbolic links
ls -lt List the files sorted by time modified (most recent first)
ls -lh Long listing with human readable file sizes in KB, MB, or GB
ls -lo List the file names with size, owner, and flags
ls -la List detailed directory contents, including hidden files

File Size and Disk Space

du List usage for each subdirectory and its contents
du -sh [folder] Human readable output of all files in a directory
du -s Display an entry for each specified file
df -h Calculate your system’s free disk space
df -H Calculate free disk space in powers of 1,000 (as opposed to 1,024)

File and Directory Management

mkdir dir Create a new folder named dir
mkdir -p dir/dir Create nested folders
mkdir dir1 dir2 dir3 Create several folders at once
mkdir “dir” Create a folder with a space in the filename
rmdir dir Delete a folder (only works on empty folders)
rm -R dir Delete a folder and its contents
touch file Create a new file without any extension
cp file dir Copy a file to the folder
cp file newfile Copy a file to the current folder
cp file~/dir/newfile Copy a file to the folder and rename the copied file
cp -R dir <”new dir”> Copy a folder to a new folder with spaces in the filename
cp -i file dir Prompts you before copying a file with a warning overwrite message
cp file1 file2 file3/Users/dir Copy multiple files to a folder
ditto -V [folder path][new folder] Copy the contents of a folder to a new folder. Here “-V” prints a line of status for every file copied
rm file Delete a file (This deletes the file permanently; use it with caution.)
rm -i file Delete a file only when you give confirmation
rm -f file Force removal without confirmation
rm file1 file2 file3 Delete multiple files without any confirmation
mv file newfilename Move/rename
mv file dir Move a file to the folder, possibly by overwriting an existing file
mv -i file dir Optional -i flag to warn you before overwriting the file
mv *.png ~/dir Move all PNG files from the current folder to a different folder

Command History

Ctrl + R Search through previously used commands
history n Shows the previous commands you’ve typed. Add a number to limit to the last n items
![value] Execute the last command typed that starts with a value
!! Execute the last command typed


ls -ld Display the default permission for a home directory
ls -ld/dir Display the read, write, and access permission of a particular folder
chmod 755 file Change the permission of a file to 755
chmod -R 600 dir Change the permission of a folder (and its contents) to 600
chown user:group file Change the ownership of a file to user and group. Add -R to include folder contents


ps -ax Output currently running processes. Here, a shows processes from all users and x shows processes that are not connected with Terminal
ps -aux Shows all the processes with %cpu, %mem, page in, PID, and command
top Display live information about currently running processes
top -ocpu -s 5 Display processes sorted by CPU usage, updating every 5 seconds
top -o rsize Sort top by memory usage
kill PID Quit process with ID PID. You’ll see PID as a column in the Activity Monitor


ping host Ping the host and display the status
whois domain Output whois info for a domain
curl -O url/to/file Download a file via HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP
ssh username@host Establish SSH connection to host with user username
scp fileuser@host:/remote/path Copy file to a remote host
arp -a View a list of all devices on your local network. It will show you the IP and MAC address of all the devices
ifconfig en0 View your device IP and MAC address
traceroute [hostname] Identify the path and the hops traversed by the packets from your device to the destination address


brew doctor Check brew for potential problems
brew help List of useful homebrew formula and cask commands
brew install formula Install a formula or cask
brew uninstall formula Uninstall a formula or cask
brew list –formula List only installed formulas
brew list –cask List only installed cask
brew deps formula List all the dependencies of a formula or cask
brew search text Search formula or cask through regex
brew upgrade formula Upgrade the formula or cask
brew outdated formula Search for outdated formula or cask
brew outdated –formula Search for outdated formula
brew outdated –cask Search for outdated cask
brew pin [installed_formula] Pin a formula from getting upgraded
brew unpin [installed_formula] Unpin to upgrade a package
brew cleanup Remove stale lock files and outdated packages for all formulas and casks


printenv Display a list of currently set environment variables. Also tells you which shell you’re using
$echo Ask Terminal to print something and show it to you
echo $PATH Check the value of the PATH variable, which stores a list of directories with executable files
echo $PATH >path.txt Export the path directory to a text file
export PATH=$PATH:absolute/path to/program/ Execute a program via Terminal only in your current session. If you use a program regularly, add the path to the shell configuration file.
find dir -name “file” Find all files named file inside dir. Use wildcards (*) to search for parts of filenames
find dir -size +size Find all files larger than size in dir
find dir -size -size Find all files less than size in dir
grep “text” file Output all occurrences of text inside file (add -i for case insensitivity)
grep -rl “text” dir Search for all files containing text inside dir


cat file Output the content of file
less file Output the contents of file using the less command that supports pagination and more
head file Output the first 10 lines of file
cmd < file Use file contents as input to cmd
cmd > > file Appends the output of cmd to file
cmd > file Direct the output of cmd into file

Terminal Windows

Cmd + N Open a new Terminal window
Cmd + T Open a new Terminal tab
Cmd + D Split the Terminal window into two panes
Cmd + tab number Switch from one Terminal tab to another
Cmd + Page Up Scroll one page up the Terminal window
Cmd + Page Down Scroll one page down the Terminal window
Cmd + W Close a Terminal tab
Option + Shift + Cmd + W Close all Terminal tabs

Mac Commands

The following page provides information on available Mac commands:
