
09 Jun, 2024 - About 3 minutes

DuckDB Hf:// Prefix


DuckDB and Hugging Face co-authored an announcement about the new release using hf:// prefix in DuckDB to access datasets in Hugging Face repositories, this spawns a new wave of opportunities to make data more accessible and lightweight for the AI and ML sectors.

Dataset repositories

Hugging Face is a popular central platform where users can store, share, and collaborate on machine learning models, datasets, and other resources.

A dataset typically includes the following content:

  • A README file: This plain text file provides an overview of the repository and its contents. It often describes the purpose, usage, and specific requirements or dependencies.
  • Data files: Depending on the type of repository, it can include data files like CSV, Parquet, JSONL, etc. These are the core components of the repository.

Now, it is possible to query them using the URL pattern below:


For example, to read a CSV file, you can use the following query:

FROM 'hf://datasets/datasets-examples/doc-formats-csv-1/data.csv';

NOTE: You must have the latest duckdb version

Creating a local table

To avoid accessing the remote endpoint for every query, you can save the data in a DuckDB table by running a CREATE TABLE … AS command. For example:

FROM 'hf://datasets/datasets-examples/doc-formats-csv-1/data.csv';

Then, simply query the data table as follows:

FROM data;

Glob Patterns

To query all files under a specific format, you can use a glob pattern. Here’s how you can count the rows in all files that match the pattern *.parquet.

SELECT count(*) AS count
FROM 'hf://datasets/cais/mmlu/astronomy/*.parquet';

Versioning and revisions

In Hugging Face repositories, dataset versions or revisions are different dataset updates. Each version is a snapshot at a specific time, allowing you to track changes and improvements. In git terms, it can be understood as a branch or specific commit.

You can query different dataset versions/revisions by using the following URL:


For example:

FROM 'hf://datasets/datasets-examples/doc-formats-csv-1@~parquet/**/*.parquet';


Configure your Hugging Face Token in the DuckDB Secrets Manager to access private or gated datasets.
First, visit Hugging Face Settings – Tokens to obtain your access token

  • CONFIG: The user must pass all configuration information into the CREATE SECRET statement. To create a secret using the CONFIG provider, use the following command:
CREATE SECRET hf_token (
TOKEN 'your_hf_token'
  • CREDENTIAL_CHAIN: Automatically tries to fetch credentials. For the Hugging Face token, it will try to get it from ~/.cache/huggingface/token. To create a secret using the CREDENTIAL_CHAIN provider, use the following command:
CREATE SECRET hf_token (


The integration of hf:// paths in DuckDB significantly streamlines accessing and querying over 150,000 datasets available on Hugging Face. This feature democratizes data manipulation and exploration, making it easier for users to interact with various file formats such as CSV, JSON, JSONL, and Parquet. By utilizing hf:// paths, users can execute complex queries, efficiently handle large datasets, and harness the extensive resources of Hugging Face repositories
