
15 Jun, 2024 - About 1 minute



In this article I will go through a method that would allow you to incorporate a nice timeline on your website managing the entries from a google sheet.


  • This method implies that you would include a iframe on your html to render the timeline
  • You will need Knightlab timeline javascript
  • You will need to share GoogleSheet with your data so this method doesn’t work for private data


The final result would be a interactive timeline similar to the following.


If you use Hexo you will need to include the following tag for iframes:

{% iframe <src-url> <width> <height> %}


Data Source

  1. Prepare the data: Start by configuring your Googlesheet with data by making a copy of the following Template. You could check the following example to have a better idea on the final process.

  2. Publish the Gsheet: Under the File menu, Share submenu, select “Publish to the Web.”

1.Create a iframe with your source: Create a iframe similar to the following example where the source is after https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/

<iframe src="https://cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1xuY4upIooEeszZ_lCmeNx24eSFWe0rHe9ZdqH2xqVNk&font=Default&lang=en&initial_zoom=2&height=100%" width="100%" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Note: Pay attention to date formats and the sharing options. The following URL has more details in case you bumped into trouble.


In this article, we guide you through the process of configuring an iframe with a dynamic timeline using JavaScript, which loads data from a Google Sheet implemented by Knight Lab. This straightforward process will help you enrich your content by presenting timeline data effectively.
